Oh my, the year is over....I am soo sad its gone too fast! Today Chris and I went to the school to watch Alexa get her awards from 1st grade=) She received two for Social Studies, and one for being the only one in class to spot a sad person needing a hug especially her teacher. She is just talented that way. She can feel if I or anyone is sad and tried all she can to hug and make you happy again.

LOL or she will cry with you =( Anyhow so she also received a diamond backs ticket for her reading goal and a free mini golf admission to golfland for this summer. I am so proud of her for trying her hardest this year!
Brendon had a busy week and just had a plain old goodbye party but we didn't get to go cause we had to go to work. But we made it to his class to give his teacher roses for being such an awesome teacher to him and also was Alexa's teacher last year. She is so sweet and good with the kids. I couldn't get a picture of him though cause he was being sooo shy and wouldn't get out from behind me LOL I am sure you all have seen that move!Now Nick we got to watch play outside before we had to leave and his teacher was sooo great as well and he was her favorite....Shhhhh cause they aren't supposed to say that HA! HA! HA! They I guess did their awards earlier this week and we weren't told so sadly we missed it.
So summer here we come! We are planning a trip to Texas to see Chris's Aunt and Uncle, Disneyland for our family vacation and Chris's dad may come down here for a visit. Chris would love to go to New York this summer but I would rather go for Christmas or New Years and see all we are missing.